Well, it’s that time again – world homeopathy awareness week May 9 – 15. The theme this year is homeopathy and the musculoskeletal system. And with good reason. Did you know that globally, the number of people suffering from musculoskeletal conditions increased by 25% over the past decade? Musculoskeletal conditions are currently the most common cause of chronic health disability. I thought the best way to give you some sense of what homeopathy can do is with one of my favourite cases.
Let me tell you the story of Ms C a client who has just celebrated her 60th birthday. I have been treating her periodically over a 7 year period which sounds like a long time, but it’s not when you consider how far we have come.
When Ms C first came to see me she was taking 6+ Neurofen and a host of other medications including: anti-inflammatories, blood pressure meds, etc. on a daily basis. She was also on the verge of being medically retired which she did not want or could afford. If that was not enough, her doctor suggested making her a paraplegic surgically as “the best way to deal with the pain”. From his point of view the pain would “only get worse” and Ms C confirmed he was right.
Over the 7 years we have been working together we have adjusted our course of treatment many times. And I am happy to report that as of today Ms C takes only occasional pain medication. Her allopathic treatment regime is less than a quarter of what it was. She has mobility and works full time. In her words:
“Antonietta/Homeopathy gave me my life back. I was sceptical at first; I am so glad I decided to give homeopathy a go. I don’t want to imagine how my life would be if I hadn’t; I probably would have ended up broke because I would have had to give up work all those years ago. Homeopathy enabled me to reduce my pain medication and increase my quality of life at the same time. I feel better now than I have in years.”
From the practitioner point of view it has been both challenging and rewarding. Sometimes we worked on reducing pain levels and other times we worked more deeply.
Ms C has also had, for one reason or another, a number of surgeries over the years. Each time she has used homeopathy for pre and post-surgery support. Yep, you guessed it, each time her medical team has commented on how quickly she was able to recover.
Cases like this are a long and winding road. Ms C and I are sure that if we had not worked together she would now be medically retired, ‘living’ on medication and probably requiring extra treatment for the prolonged assault on her liver and kidneys. She most certainly would not be working full time and living life on her terms.
And now for just one extract of some research done into the effects of homeopathy and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Gibson et al. (1980) conducted a double-blind Randomised Controlled Trial that compared 23 people with RA on anti-inflammatory drugs and individualised homeopathic treatment to 23 people with RA on anti-inflammatory drugs and placebo for a 3 month period. This research found there was, “…a significant improvement in subjective pain, articular index, stiffness and grip strength in those patients receiving homeopathic remedies” (Gibson et al., 1980, p.453) compared to placebo.
All that trouble and all they had to do was ask Ms C or any other number of clients from any homeopath :-). If you are interested in learning more about how homeopathy continues to be validated by conventional research, check out this video by American World Homeopathy Awareness Week 2011:The Musculoskeletal Systemomeopath Dana Ullman.
If you are interested to find out how homeopathy can be helpful with a musculoskeletal issue you or a family member are dealing with then consider attending my workshop on Homeopathy and the musculoskeletal system.
The workshop will be held at Glebe Healing Centre:
Thursday 19th May 21011
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
34b Taylor St Annandale
Refreshments and note provided.
To book Ph 9566 1222
Homeopathy proves on a regular basis – there are always options not only for musculoskeletal issue but other problems such as chronic health issues, sleep problems, skin issues, immune support and much more. One of the things that I love about Homeopathy is that is great for kids – gentle and natural.