Health By The Bay is the one place that really is all about you; your health goals and the lifestyle you want. After all, your health impacts your quality of life and your decisions you make about yourself.
Our focus is to help you build your Core Health; which is the driving engine of your body. We achieve this by find what sits underneath the symptoms i.e. the underlying causes that are blocking your engine. Our approach is to clear the different layers that sit on top and deal with the issues that sit underneath symptoms as they appear. This process allows us to implement strategies that will give you lasting results.
Over the years we have researched, tested and selected a practice model that yield results for our clients. Our approach removes the guess work through the use of well selected testing tools which enables us to create targeted for your health concern.
Furthermore, we have various support options so you are not left alone struggling but have someone who can mentor, support and ensure that you keep on track. Research shows that people who are supported are more likely to succeed that those who are left to their own devices.
At Health by the Bay we see healing as an evolving relationship between:
- the practitioner and client,
- the client and themselves, and
- the client and their family/friends.
It’s common that as a result of treatment, clients say things like “I am more aware of what I am thinking, feeling and doing, I feel more awake”. We find, being more present, focused and aware means we are all able to enjoy our lives and families more fully.
Our goal is to share resources and options with people so they can take control of their health. Practitioners are just a point of focus, we are not the healing. You are the healing; your body, your decisions, your action. We see it over and over again. The more options you have, the bigger range of choices you can make. And when you change something in your life or health, things in your world and or body have to shift to accommodate that change.