Myths about homeopathy

Myths About Homeopathy

Depending on whom you talk you will get one view or another about homeopathy and various myths about homeopathy. Generally speaking, people are polarised on whether homoeopathy works or doesn’t. This polarisation is reflected on the net, social media and in the press. The thing that puzzles me the most is that most ardent critics…

Myths about homeopathy

Advantages Of Homeopathy

Often (sadly) people see a homeopath when conventional treatment has not worked as they’d hoped. Coming to treatment when things feel ‘hopeless‘ makes everyone’s life harder. When I have asked people about this they often say they didn’t know homeopathy existed or they didn’t know anything about homeopathy. These statements are usually followed with something like…

Children iwth adhd

Homeopathy and Treament of Children with ADHD

Homeopathy is known to be a gentle and an effective way of naturally curing diseases and health problems.  Being a form of natural medicine, homeopathy is considered safe for children. Homeopathy is becoming an increasingly popular treatment option for those children with ADHD precisely as it’s effectiveness continues being proven. ADHD (or Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder),…

Swiss Goverment report on homeopathy

Swiss Government Report on Homeopathy

2010, was a year in which we saw a sustained assault on natural therapies. It started in the UK, progressed to Canada and then to Australia. So, it’s very refreshing to start 2012 with some seemingly uncommon, common sense. The Swiss Government has just released one of the most comprehensive evaluations of homeopathic medicine ever…