Soon after devising our Living Calm it became clear that parents and families needed a tailored program geared to the complexities of raising children. Ask any parent; being totally responsible for a helpless baby or dependent child AND on call 24/7 has unique stressors and can be overwhelming.
And as every parent knows, often what’s required of us as “Parents” can push our buttons. But the frustrating thing is very few people talk about that in a way that makes any lasting difference. The romantic view of parenting teaches ‘loving our kids is enough’. And loving them is a fantastic, essential start, but as every parent soon learns, parenting demands more than love. Love is one part of the equation and skills are another.
In Living Calm for Families we explore the impact of stress on ourselves and our loved ones i.e. partners and kids. Don’t think kids don’t feel stress, they do. New research shows the impact of stress is not limited to the children we currently have. If you’re expecting either your first or a subsequent child you may be surprised by studies now proving stress directly affects babies in utero.
Most of us think we ‘know about stress‘ and many people will tell you: “I have to meditate or slow down or do yoga…like who’s got the time for that?” But as the Father of Stress said over 80 years ago, very few people understand stress but when you understand it you can manage it better. We know you think you don’t have time to do anything else – and research shows that paradoxically that’s just the time you’re likely to need it most!
So for a limited time we are offering a FREE introductory seminar of Living Calm for Families. To qualify just organise a group of 10 or so people and a suitable space and we’ll come to you. We do have a limited number of free sessions so book early to ensure you get yours. And we haven’t forgotten folks outside the Sydney area; call us and can discuss suitable options including a Skype call or webinar.
Dr Selye taught it is possible to have stress without distress – we know that to be true, and yes it does take a bit time adjusting things around. Question: What’s the of NOT investing that time and energy?
Live calm everyone 🙂
[alertbox4 caption=”Special Offer”]Organise a group of 10 or more people and a suitable space to get a FREE introductory session of Living Calm for Families.Limited Spots available – book now
Call: 0401 416 560 or